Persona 5: The Animation

Persona 5: The Animation (2018)


In the spring of the second year of high school, Yugong Lotus transferred to the "Xiuquan School Park" in Tokyo. Lotus, who took an event as an opportunity to awaken as a "PERSONA" emissary, formed a "Heart Troupe" with newly acquainted partners. Steal the "twisted desires" of adults full of evil desires and let them turn over a new leaf. On the other hand, incredible incidents of mental violence have taken place in the city one after another. Take the metropolis "Tokyo" as the stage, as a high school student living a daily life at the same time, after school as a "heart of the pirate regiment" active. This is the beginning of the growing saga of gangsters!

In the spring of the second year of high school, Yugong Lotus transferred to the "Xiuquan School Park" in Tokyo. Lotus, who took an event as an opportunity to awaken as a "PERSONA" emissary, formed a "Heart Troupe" with newly acquainted partners. Steal the "twisted desires" of adults full of evil desires and let them turn over a new leaf. On the other hand, incredible incidents of mental violence have taken place in the city one after another. Take the metropolis "Tokyo" as the stage, as a high school student living a daily life at the same time, after school as a "heart of the pirate regiment" active. This is the beginning of the growing saga of gangsters!