Second Love

Second Love (2015)

60m | Romance | Japan

Pingqing (tortoise pear and also acted the role of) is an extremely talented modern dancer, however, after climbing the small peak of his career, his life is on the decline. After that, Pingqing decided to regroup and return to Tokyo from Germany, but what is waiting for him here is not the willow, but the cruel reality. In order to make a living, Pingqing ran around, life is not going well, so that his dance career into a bottleneck. By accident, Pingqing became acquainted with a woman named Nishihara Jiewei (Kyoko Fukuda). Nishihara is a high school chemistry teacher, getting older, the old mother began to worry about her life, but Nishihara has no plans to get married, at the same time, she and her colleague Takagi Shenghisa have always maintained a physical relationship. The emergence of Pingqing has brought about earth-shaking changes in Nishihara's life. Can this pair of lovers with completely different personalities and identities finally come together?

Pingqing (tortoise pear and also acted the role of) is an extremely talented modern dancer, however, after climbing the small peak of his career, his life is on the decline. After that, Pingqing decided to regroup and return to Tokyo from Germany, but what is waiting for him here is not the willow, but the cruel reality. In order to make a living, Pingqing ran around, life is not going well, so that his dance career into a bottleneck. By accident, Pingqing became acquainted with a woman named Nishihara Jiewei (Kyoko Fukuda). Nishihara is a high school chemistry teacher, getting older, the old mother began to worry about her life, but Nishihara has no plans to get married, at the same time, she and her colleague Takagi Shenghisa have always maintained a physical relationship. The emergence of Pingqing has brought about earth-shaking changes in Nishihara's life. Can this pair of lovers with completely different personalities and identities finally come together?

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