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The Golden Child

The Golden Child (1986)


The fantasy adventure action comedy starring lead black comedy star Eddie Murphy and Charlotte Lovelace has excellent special effects visual effects and intense atmosphere. In the distant oriental world of Xizang, a boy was born with magical powers handed down from generation to generation, and his mission is to bring the things of light to this world. However, when a temple controlled by evil forces found that the little boy was the most important person on earth, the evil forces led by Satuo kidnapped the "golden boy", and the future of the earth was uncertain. At this time, a Los Angeles social worker (Eddie Murphy) was suddenly told by a prophet that he had been chosen by God to save the golden boy, so the social worker became a warm-blooded warrior, with the strong assistance of Kung Fu girl Ji. Therefore, he embarked on a long and magical journey, and the two men took back the magic pestle from the east and began the war between good and evil with Satuo, from California to China. Even wandered to hell!

The fantasy adventure action comedy starring lead black comedy star Eddie Murphy and Charlotte Lovelace has excellent special effects visual effects and intense atmosphere. In the distant oriental world of Xizang, a boy was born with magical powers handed down from generation to generation, and his mission is to bring the things of light to this world. However, when a temple controlled by evil forces found that the little boy was the most important person on earth, the evil forces led by Satuo kidnapped the "golden boy", and the future of the earth was uncertain. At this time, a Los Angeles social worker (Eddie Murphy) was suddenly told by a prophet that he had been chosen by God to save the golden boy, so the social worker became a warm-blooded warrior, with the strong assistance of Kung Fu girl Ji. Therefore, he embarked on a long and magical journey, and the two men took back the magic pestle from the east and began the war between good and evil with Satuo, from California to China. Even wandered to hell!