Barnaby Brooks Jr. (voiced by Seiichi Morita), who now ranks second in the heroic team, is upset by the valiant appearance of his companions on the street screen, while his partner, Wild Tiger Takagi T Tiger (Hiroshi Hirata), seems to be enjoying the current life of affluence and leisure. It wasn't long before their Apollo company was restructured because of financial problems, and industrialist Mark Schneider (voiced by Yoshiya Otsuka) took over and took power. He brought Barnaby back to the front line, but abandoned Hucher and further cut off the second-tier superhero team. At the same time, a series of mysteries took place in Hugh Bilt, and it seems that other people with NEXT abilities are trying to recreate the ancient legend of the goddess's ruling. The day of the verdict is getting closer and closer, and the fate of everyone in the city is at stake. Barnaby and Huche will go through the toughest test.
Barnaby Brooks Jr. (voiced by Seiichi Morita), who now ranks second in the heroic team, is upset by the valiant appearance of his companions on the street screen, while his partner, Wild Tiger Takagi T Tiger (Hiroshi Hirata), seems to be enjoying the current life of affluence and leisure. It wasn't long before their Apollo company was restructured because of financial problems, and industrialist Mark Schneider (voiced by Yoshiya Otsuka) took over and took power. He brought Barnaby back to the front line, but abandoned Hucher and further cut off the second-tier superhero team. At the same time, a series of mysteries took place in Hugh Bilt, and it seems that other people with NEXT abilities are trying to recreate the ancient legend of the goddess's ruling. The day of the verdict is getting closer and closer, and the fate of everyone in the city is at stake. Barnaby and Huche will go through the toughest test.
Title | Download | Size | Publish |
Tiger And Bunny The Rising 2014 1080p BluRay x264-GHOULS | 6.6GB | 4 Year ago | |
Tiger And Bunny The Rising 2014 1080p BluRay x264-GHOULS | 6.6GB | 4 Year ago |
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