The Gambler

The Gambler (2014)

1h 51m | Plot | USA

The gambler is based on a 1974 film of the same name, and Wahlberg plays Jim Jim Bennett, a college English literature professor and a big gambler. He asked his students to play match-fixing so that he could make a profit in the bet. As his addiction to gambling deepens, his life is irrevocable. Because of his high debt, he had to borrow money from Frank, a loan shark, at the cost of his own life.

The gambler is based on a 1974 film of the same name, and Wahlberg plays Jim Jim Bennett, a college English literature professor and a big gambler. He asked his students to play match-fixing so that he could make a profit in the bet. As his addiction to gambling deepens, his life is irrevocable. Because of his high debt, he had to borrow money from Frank, a loan shark, at the cost of his own life.

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